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06  Space design

A collaboration by-





Google Sodexo

The Google- Sodexo Cafe experience

The goal of the 5-day workshop was to observe and ideate a wireframe that outlines a google experience


The Sodexo Experience is a range of products and spaces that allow the user to customize his experience of the cafe. 


How might we provide the employees of the company that provides us food for thought a positive and enjoyable experience of their meals and cafe considering the needs of Comfort, time, health and safety?

Pain Points

Peoples mood for the rest of the day is determined by their experience at the morning Breakfast and coffee or the Lunch time "Adda" (Meetspot).


We observed people were accomodating themselves in a space according to its layout instead of the Restaurant adapting to its crowd.



Google cafe served its food in Buffets as a result people took food for granted in the plentiful and wasted more food in buffets and as a result wouldn't hesitate to bin it if they couldn't finish.​

People took their health for granted in a buffet to the point of overwhelming their bodies. 

Taste dispensers

Have you smelt food across the room and after serving yourself a mouthful you decide you don't like it? don't worry we got you covered, while waiting in a dual-channel queue you can taste the buffet in separate smaller vessels to decide what makes into your plate and what is better saved for those who like it more.

Custom Plates

A customizable plate to allot space and servings so we don't overeat due to temptation or over serve and waste food.

Google Sodexo

Helping People allot a specific quantity to prevent them from over serving themselves and wasting food or disregard their health more than the recommended serving.

We also wanted employees to interact and mingle together without being constrained by the environment.

The triangular Desks allow mobility and an evolving cafe.

Serving Food

Serving Interaction

Final Experience wireframe


Imagine a cafe that calls out to you. It represents more than just a place to dine.

We kept in mind people's desires to lounge together or to work alone with a steamy cup of hot chocolate overlooking the city below.


What does it mean to be working in google? What meaning does an employee attach to a cafeteria?

we studied the employees up close at Google, Blr to provide them the most memorable experience and worked with the executives to provide the most sustainable, productive environments to nurture the hearts and bellies of all those who enter the cafe.

Thank you

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Radhakrishnan          Bangalore, India

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